WooCommerce Developers Australia

Having worked on 100’s of Woocommerce projects over the last 10 years, we’ve become experts in every aspect of the WooCommerce platform. We’ve now opened an office in Adelaide, Australia, under the direction Jono Farrington.

Verified WooCommerce Experts

Silicon Dales is a verified Woo Expert. You can find information on our accreditation here. In 2017, Silicon Dales moved from silver status to gold, before in 2018, the program was changed to remove the Gold, Silver and Bronze levels.

Developing, launching, and scaling an ecommerce business is never easy. No mater what stage your business is at, we have the expertise and more importantly, experience to improve ROI for SMEs.

E-commerce Services For Woocommerce Users

We have experience in every area of the WooCommerce platform. We can help with the following:


  • Migrating data from other platforms (Magento, Shopify)
  • Importing large product ranges in CSV (or other) formats
  • Managing large product databases and stores
  • Mobile payments providers and responsive checkouts
  • Integrating EPOS, POS, Inventory management, accounts, and other ERP software systems
  • WordPress speed optimizations;
  • WooCommerce speed optimizations;
  • Server / system administration (particularly for large and complex WordPress installations);


One of the most important features of any website and ecommerce store is speed. Even an extra second in loading time can reduce conversions on a store significantly. We specialise in WooCommerce and Worpdress Speed Optimsation. Our expert team has vast experience in improving page load speed. Most developers are happy with page load speeds of under 3 seconds. We are not happy until we have sites loading in under 1 second.

Not only does site speed improve conversions, but Google has consistently indicated that site speed is a core ranking signal, and sites with fast page load speed will rank higher in the search engines.

WooCommerce / E-commerce SEO

Seo (search engine optimisation) for ecommerce sites is a little different from SEO on other sites. There are inherent differences, and also difficulties with the structure of e-commerce sites. These differences can cause problems with optimisation, and it’s imperative that firstly these differences are understood, and then adjusted for in any WooCommerce store. These may include:

  • incorrect URL structure
  • duplicate content created by pagination and variables
  • incorrect image optimisation
  • canonicalization issues
  • thin content
  • incorrect schema elements

These are just a sample of the inherent issues with ecommerce stores if not optimised correctly. Our team has optmised 100’s of WooCommerce stores over the last 10 years, consistently improving rankings and ROI.

Get in Touch

To contact our Australian office, please call 0419 851 891 or email jono@silicondales.com