We Have Moved to Manchester

Manchester Quayside

We have opened an office in Manchester, UK, which will be our administrative Headquarters. This office is purely administrative, and the team is distributed, so in-person meetings remain by appointment only, and should be booked in advance. Silicon Dales contact information: Address: Silicon Dales Ltd, Lowry House, 17 Marble St, Manchester, M2 3AW Telephone: 0161 …

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Silicon Dales Parent Becomes Silicon Dales Ltd

Silicon Dales logo

Silicon Dales, which had previously been called “24 Hour Trading Ltd trading as Silicon Dales” is now consolidated into the easier to remember “Silicon Dales Ltd”, after the parent company “24 Hour Trading Ltd” changed its name to Silicon Dales Ltd to better reflect the future focus of the company on growing the Silicon Dales …

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