Case Study: Custom WooCommerce Barcode Scanning Plugin for Vant Marketing

Vant Marketing

Vant Marketing booked Silicon Dales to create a custom WooCommerce barcode scanning plugin for a client, after previously working with Silicon Dales on another project. Who are Vant Marketing? From the middle of historic downtown New Braunfels, TX, our “flight crew” is ready to serve clients with experience, technology, and insight hard to find elsewhere, …

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How do I get a UPC?

barcode icon image

If you are in the UK and would like to trade on Amazon, you can get a UPC by registering with GS1 UK. GS1 UK will generate a number of unique product codes for you, which are then accessible by other entities, machines and devices using the GS1 database. GS1 UK will provide you with regular …

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How to get custom order statuses in WooCommerce

Verified WooExperts

Ever wished you had a custom order status in your WooCommerce store? Did you want to add an “engraving” status, or an “out for delivery” status to your Woo store? Perhaps you wanted to message or email customers when you were doing some post-sale processing? Whatever you were looking to do, it you’ve made the …

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