What’s in a Font?

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When dealing with clients new and old, in web design, our client, and the people who visit their websites, can usually fall into one of two categories: 1) those who have a favourite font (or fonts) they like in websites; and 2) those who don’t notice fonts… or don’t think they do. When we ask …

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How To Remove Microsoft Word Formatting From a WordPress Post

Formatting Added by Microsoft Word in WordPress

It is not a good idea to copy directly from Word Processing software, such as Microsoft Word, into WordPress’s visual editor directly, as word processors add lots of styling information which gets copied across, and you may well find that your website’s styles and fonts are not respected in your document! When you do copy …

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18th Century Web Fonts

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We have been looking for some really fancy 19th Century web fonts as part of a project to put some information from 1800’s history books onto the internet. Here are a couple we found: Unifraktur Maguntia This is a fancy poster display font inspired by German 19th Century foundries who originally made fonts for paper …

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