Introducing the “Advanced Notifications” WooCommerce extension
Silicon Dales introduce and review “Advanced Notifications”, a WooCommerce extension.
Stock levels are a recommended feature of most online stores and a good way to build trust and be helpful for your customers as well as building that all-important sense of urgency.
It is possible to customize messages, prices and notifications based on stock levels and to even trigger orders to suppliers or integrate with your brick-and-mortar operations to ensure that your website reflects current stock levels. Waitlists and other calls to action for out of stock products are also worth a look.
Check out the resources, examples and tools on this page for more information on toggling your stock level settings, or get in touch for specialist assistance.
Silicon Dales introduce and review “Advanced Notifications”, a WooCommerce extension.
Silicon Dales introduce and review “Bulk Stock Management”, a WooCommerce extension.
Online stores selling heavy goods such as firewood, construction supplies or liquids need custom delivery and payment options for local and long-distance delivery needs. Silicon Dales can assist your logistics staff and back office to make the most from online sales. In-House Delivery If you run your own vans, drivers and tracking, get delivery alerts, …