Avoid that embarrassing robot voice from interrupting your day!
Awkward… a text read out loud!
At Silicon Dales, we use the Samsung Galaxy SII smartphone for our business mobile, currently, and somehow recently we managed to get the phone to read out the name of whoever has sent a text message to us, or to read out that a new voicemail had been received.
No, really, Awkward… this actually happened in a quiet moment… at the theatre
It wasn’t clear exactly how we had turned this on, and finding out how to turn it off took us a few days, so, to help someone else out, here is how to turn it off if your Samsung Galaxy SII phone (the GT-I9100) starts reading out text messages and other items, and you don’t know how to turn it off!
Go to Settings > Voice Input & Output > Text To Speech and Un-tick “Driving Mode“.
This will stop your phone from reading things out every time they happen, like, for example, when you are at the theatre and you’ve set your phone to silent… That actually happened!
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The above item will answer the following search: “galaxy phone text to talk disable”.
please take this talk-to-text off my phone I don’t know how to use my phone
DIDNT HELP ! My galaxy sII doesn’t stop reading my home screen menu . It really is starting to annoy me ! Help !
This does not work for me. I went to (1) Settings (2) Language and Input (3) Scroll down to text to speech output Select Text to speech output then scroll down to Driving Mode and move the slider to the left to turn it off. Hope this helps.
It’s likely to have changed since this was written, as the Android version has updated more than once.
Go in the Application Manager .
Select Voice Input & Output or Google Text-to-speech engine and select : “Clear data” .
Problem resolved .
Arrivederci !
Please remove voice texting off of my Galaxy phone I cannot seem to do it please help