Can Gmail Reject Spam?

Sometimes our Google Workspace clients and visitors want to know how to stop spam in its tracks, before it even reaches your spam filter at all.

Is it possible to reject spam entirely in Gmail?

Well, the answer is, kind of. You have 3 basic options:

The options to block spam in Gmail

  1. Block senders (described below) from ever reaching you;
  2. Automatically delete messages flagged as spam (not recommended)
  3. Allow Gmail to mark as spam – and “train” your spam filter about what you would and would not like to see (described below)

Blocking Senders in Gmail

Its possible to block a specific sender entirely in your Gmail. To do this:

  1. Open the mail from the sender you’d like to block;
  2. Click the three vertical dots top right (looks like this: vertical dots image)
  3. Select “block …”

That it! You won’t receive messages like this at all in future. Done.

Below an image of what this looks like FYI:

block sender gmail image

In this case “reports via Testing” shows where the name of the “user” you are blocking would display.

Allow Gmail to mark as spam – and “train” your spam filter

This “option” is really to use Gmail normally, as nature(!) intended 🙂

Check your spam filter regularly, and mark “not spam” on anything which slipped in there which shouldn’t have. Set filters to “never mark as spam” on any messages which you really really want to always receive.

Flag any spam you do get as spam.

Over time, you’ll find you get better and better results.

Trained spam filter for the win!

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