The Silicon Dales Guide to Updating WordPress

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WordPress is used by 65.2% of websites – even in a sample of the top million websites. It’s popular and it works.

In order to keep up with a changing world, the code powering WordPress is updated on a regular basis. As a result, the plugins, themes and integrations which work with WordPress also update on a regular basis (at least, the good ones do!).

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The Silicon Dales Guide to Updating WooCommerce

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WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress. Silicon Dales are verified WooExperts and have a wealth of experience assisting a variety online stores operating on the software. For WordPress sites without WooCommerce, see our Guide to Updating WordPress websites here. You will need to update your WooCommerce store for three good reasons: so …

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Troubleshoot & Fix WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.1 Upgrade Issues

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If you recently updated WooCommerce Subscriptions to the much awaited and hotly anticipated version 2.1, you may find that there are a few nifty new features. Things like automatically retrying failed payments are now a thing, and much more. But, as with any update, you may run into issues and incompatibilities. This will be particularly so …

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How to Fix WordPress White Screen of Death (WSOD)

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Okay, so you got a problem? Your WordPress website just. Went. White!! In this WordPress tutorial, I will describe some of the processes you can go through to resolve your WordPress White Screen of Death (WSOD) quickly and efficiently, so that you can get your website back up and running; you can worry about the …

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