Give your WordPress website some TLC this Valentine’s

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Every WordPress website needs tender loving care, to keep up with the latest versions of software, new browsers & devices and the latest security patches. To give your users the best experience possible, make sure your website gets the TLC it deserves with our checklist below: The Silicon Dales WordPress TLC Checklist Backup your website. Update to …

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Troubleshoot & Fix WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.1 Upgrade Issues

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If you recently updated WooCommerce Subscriptions to the much awaited and hotly anticipated version 2.1, you may find that there are a few nifty new features. Things like automatically retrying failed payments are now a thing, and much more. But, as with any update, you may run into issues and incompatibilities. This will be particularly so …

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How do I get a UPC?

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If you are in the UK and would like to trade on Amazon, you can get a UPC by registering with GS1 UK. GS1 UK will generate a number of unique product codes for you, which are then accessible by other entities, machines and devices using the GS1 database. GS1 UK will provide you with regular …

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Big WordPress Problem – Slow WP Admin / Uncached Pageloads Slow

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Some problems are first world problems. Other problems are big WordPress problems. Slow WordPress Admin? Slow uncached pageloads? We deal with some big WordPress customers, and often their sites can become slow. There’s sometimes a myth floating around that “WordPress doesn’t scale” or, more specifically, that “WooCommerce doesn’t scale” but there’s a reason I call …

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Fix Broken YouTube Auto Embed with WordPress

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2018 UPDATE – please note that the issue below is resolved in the latest versions of WordPress. Update to the latest version of WP and you should find video embeds work exactly as expected now. You can chalk this off your list 🙂  On WordPress blogs, there has for a number of versions been a …

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Example CodeIgniter .htaccess for mod_rewrite

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If you are like Silicon Dales, a few years back, you would have used CodeIgniter (CI) probably quite a lot 5-6 years ago, but perhaps not so much “these days” on projects. We have a number of clients with legacy CI sites, and sometimes, we need to move them around and configure them. For this …

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Case Study: Update WooCommerce for Reflex Nutrition

Reflex Nutrition Screenshot Homepage

Reflex Nutrition engaged Robin Scott from Silicon Dales to update a complex WooCommerce store using the full staging & testing process outlined here, to ensure a seamless upgrade. So who are Reflex Nutrition? Reflex Nutrition has been producing the finest sports supplements since 1996. We are committed to creating unsurpassable, innovative products across all nutritional groups …

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