Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Docs

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Have you ever been on Google Docs and wondered “isn’t there some shortcut key for that?!?” Quite often, there is. Below are many of the popular keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs. Hint: you can find these while you are in Google Docs by pressing ctrl + / (on Windows) and obtain the full list at …

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How to Strikethrough text in Google Docs

strikethrough on a google doc

A long while ago, I wrote about how to get the strikethrough (which is like this) in WordPress, and it has over the years proved to be a surprisingly popular WordPress tutorial. Today, I’m going to post an even simpler tutorial, this time its for our Google Workspace clients who use Google Docs, and it …

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How to change margins on Google Docs

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If you’re a Google Workspace customer or Google Account free user, and you gain the great collaborative and time saving benefit of using Google Docs for your Word Processing, maybe you wanted to learn how to do certain little tricks!? In this tutorial, we describe how you can change the margin sizes on Google Docs …

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How to superscript in Google Docs

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If you’re like us, you’ll love using Google Docs for collaborating on work with your colleagues. Its super simple, and the end product looks just great! But sometimes, you’ll find yourself looking for an option or function that you just can’t figure out. For those times, we produced a big guide to all the shortcut …

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Justification in Google Drive / Docs Tutorial

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Are you looking to find out how to “justify” your text in Google Docs? The tutorial below will help you to achieve just that! Get Google’s Google Workspace for your Business Here – fully managed or 20% off. What is Justified Text? Justification in this sense, means that every line is the same width. Justified …

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What does justified mean?

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We mention sometimes in Tutorials, and content about Google Docs, or WordPress, or in some other places when we are talking about blocks of text, the word “justified”… but what does this mean? Well, the term generally means that the text forms a straight line on both sides – left and right. People sometimes also …

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