For business, time is money, so any time saved can equal money in the bank.
We know this, at Silicon Dales, so we build websites that work, quickly.
We also know that the computer should be doing a lot of the hard work, even when you are trying to communicate your messages to your clients, customers and key influencers through multiple channels – such as Social Media – as well as your own corporate website(s) and blog(s).
For this reason, when faced with an Enterprise Level task, we like to come up with a solution which allows you to reach your entire audience in as few moves as possible.
So if you are asking “Can we feed Twitter and Facebook automatically from our company website or blog?” the answer is “Yes!”
However, that is currently best achieved if the content you would like to feed is carried on an RSS, or ATOM, feed.
If your “news” or “blog” section – the content you’re looking to feed out to the world at large – is carried via XML in either RSS, RSS2 or ATOM format, then you’re in luck!
You can set up the website [2017 update – Twitterfeed is dead! Try Twibble] to publish your fresh content to Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter, automatically, as new content goes live.
If you don’t have an RSS feed, you aren’t going to be able to do this – maybe it is time to get your website re-developed.
If you would like us to take the strain for you, here at Silicon Dales, then get in touch for a no obligation quote at any time. We’re always happy to discuss the needs of potential clients and are able to help the biggest and the smallest businesses to improve their web presence. Quickly.