18th Century Web Fonts

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We have been looking for some really fancy 19th Century web fonts as part of a project to put some information from 1800’s history books onto the internet. Here are a couple we found: Unifraktur Maguntia This is a fancy poster display font inspired by German 19th Century foundries who originally made fonts for paper …

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How to Do a Screenshot

Sometimes, people ask us how we’ve done things on the Silicon Dales website itself, as they’d like to take a technique and put it into their own website. Today, I’m going to be letting you know how to do a screenshot of a website or other item on your computer screen. Free Screenshot Softwares / …

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How to Italicise Text in Skype / Make Skype Text Display in Italics

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This tutorial describes how to make your text display in italics using Skype. For example of italics at work, this paragraph is in italics. It is also in bold. Formatting text in Skype can be somewhat counter-intuitive. Luckily here at Silicon Dales we’ve gone through all the pain on your behalf. Text in italics leans …

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Tutorial: Fix Magento upgrade fails with “Unknown cipher in list: TLSv1”

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Have you tried to upgrade Magento from the command line (or some other way) and discovered the delicious error message: Unknown cipher in list: TLSv1 Returned to you in your terminal window? There is a fix which can work for this, below. Edit the file downloader/lib/Mage/HTTP/Client/Curl.php, type the following command from the Magento installation directory: …

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