If you have recently installed WordPress, or you have just started tinkering with some image or other (such as the header image in the default WordPress theme) on a new installation, you might have run into the following problem:
Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.
When the above comes through, it may well be that you don’t have the GD Library installed at your server setup.
If you’re using CentOS (or a CentOS / RedHat derivative, like Amazon’s Linux) then the following commands will get you up and running:
sudo -i
yum install php-gd -y
service httpd restart
Remember – if you don’t RESTART apache after updating this PHP setting, the GD library won’t be loaded, and it won’t, therefore, work. Just a little reminder as this happened on one of our installations last week, and we spent 15 minutes troubleshooting only to discover that the final “restart” in our EC2 launch sequence had been typo’ed!
Leave a comment below if the above does (or doesn’t) work for you.
A number of people have been using this tutorial in the past week – leave a comment if this worked for you!